Can I print? and How do I print?
Yes! Follow the steps below to print and connect your devices to the network to print from University printers.
There are only 2 printer names on the Liberty University campus:
\\lups01\HP-B&W [for Black & White printing]
\\lups01\HP-Color [for Color printing]
- To print from a university desktop, simply choose which printer name to print to and click print.
- To print from your personal device, follow these steps
- Once print job is sent, log into a printer using your LU username and password or scan your flames pass and select Release Print Job to print.
Currently, black & white prints are 9¢ a page and color prints are 39¢. This information and more can be found on IT's computer lab-printing website here. Print costs are charged to and billed directly to your Liberty account.
Liberty University is not responsible for print charges associated with the following types of issues:
- Blank pages
- Dissatisfaction with print results as a result of user-defined settings
- Jobs that result in an unexpectedly large number of pages
For all questions pertaining to printers or printing accounts, please call Liberty’s IT Helpdesk at (434) 592-7800 for assistance.